Plot and Conflict in Stories

Exposition: The beginning of a story usually introduces the character and setting. We know when and where the story takes place, and we know who the main character is.  (Somebody Wanted, But)
  • Setting - When and where the story takes place. What year is it? Where is it? Are they in the country or city?  Future / Past / Present
  • Character/s: 
               Protagonist - Who is the main character?
  •                Antagonist - Who is preventing the main character from getting what they want?  

Rising Action:  A series of events where the main character faces opposition  (The conflict grows). What are 3-6 major events that move the story the climax
Climax: The point in the story where the conflict reaches its greatest intensity and the main character experiences the most intense emotions. Conflict is solved.
Falling Action: The problems in the rising action get resolved.
Resolution: How did the story end? What was the result of the conflict?
Theme: The main moral or message of the story. What did the main character learn from the events of the story?


Types of Conflict


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